Mode of action Plant growth regulator taken up into the xylem through the leaves, stems, or roots, and translocated to growing sub-apical meristems. Produces more compact plants and enhances flowering and fruiting. Uses Used on fruit trees to inhibit vegetative growth and to improve fruit set; on pot-grown ornamentals and flower crops (e.g. chrysanthemums, begonias, freesias, poinsettias and bulbs) to inhibit growth; on rice to increase tillering, reduce lodging, and increase yield; on turf to retard growth; and on grass seed crops to reduce height and prevent lodging. To be applied as a foliar spray, as a soil drench, or by trunk injection. Has some fungicidal activity against mildew and rusts.Phytotoxicity Non-phytotoxic, though it intensifies greening. Some spotting has been noted on periwinkle foliage at higher temperatures.